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Sweet Home 3D
Dodane 04.06.2013 przez Daro

Dodane 02.05.2013 przez Daro

K-Lite Codec Pack 9.9.0 Full
Dodane 02.05.2013 przez Daro

uTorrent 3.3 Build 29625
Dodane 02.05.2013 przez Daro

Internet Download Manager 6.15 build 10
Dodane 02.05.2013 przez Daro

GS-Calc 11.0.2
Dodane 02.05.2013 przez Daro

GS-Base 10.0.1
Dodane 02.05.2013 przez Daro

FlashFXP 4.3.1 build 1957
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ICQ 8.0 Build 6019
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CCleaner 4.01.4093
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Dobre Programy, Darmowe Programy, Instalki
ACDSee Photo Editor 6.0.313

ACDSee Photo Editor to program przeznaczona do szybkiej i efektownej obróbki zdjęć cyfrowych. Program oferuje szereg narzędzi i filtrów, za pomocą których można całkowicie zmienić wygląd danego zdjęcia. ACDSee posiada takie funkcje jak: usuwanie efektu czerwonych oczu, ożywianie kolorów, automatyczne wyostrzanie obrazu, ustawianie balansów kolorów, kontrastów itp.

2 Komentarze
Dodany 15.04.2013 przez Daro
Napisał Marisa - 2015-11-26 13:13:06
Can I import vidoes from a tape-based camera to a computer in a digital format?It's a DCR-TRV 250E, which is quite old (my dad had it since the late 1990s). Now it's broken, and I'm planning on having it repaired, but what I want is a digital camcorder. Now, I know that it is a digital camcorder, but it doesn't really have a card slot for some reason. Not one that I've discovered at least (but I can't find it where it's supposed to be).It does, however, have a 4-pin firewire and a USB port, but USB streaming doesn't really work on Windows 7 according to Sony. Assuming that I get it fixed and buy a firewire cable (4-6 pin; my PC only has 6-pin port), can I import the vidoes on the tape to my computer as a digital file?It's generally not a good idea to get something repaired if you can't use it.
Napisał Dina - 2015-11-26 12:11:39
i like editing i have one rerocd with six views and i thought people want to see it because its a very useful rerocd and ive read online loads of people want to know how to do it. i really want some views on my rerocd and a few thumbs up and maybe ill make a new one but at the moment i am depressed and i am vacant through a hard time, with family, so it kinda makes it worse. my goal is to get views and excellent ratings on m rerocd. i feel invisible. it means so much to me if anyone could do this<3
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